How does Tilby work?

Tilby is an innovative cloud POS with an integrated e-commerce site and advanced features suitable for any type of business.

Designed for shops, restaurants, bars and beauty parlours, it smartly adapts to all sectors and can be customised to meet your needs.

With Tilby cloud POS, managing your business becomes easier, more efficient and faster. All you need is a tablet or a computer and you are ready to go!

devices - how it works

The mobile POS

With Tilby you can manage sales, inventory, statistics, loyalty programmes and upselling techniques in real-time, from anywhere inside your shop and even remotely.

Tilby is a versatile cloud platform to help you manage your retail and service provision business, combining the speed of a POS with the flexibility of a PMS.


Punto cassa cloud Scloby

Quick installation

To use Tilby, simply install the app on your computer, tablet or smartphone. In a few minutes, you can start managing your sales, monitoring products in the shop and in the warehouse, collecting and analysing sales data. Check out the numerous compatible devices and operating systems

24/7 Support

Any issue? Tilby’s customer service is available 24/7, 365 days a year, to provide personalised assistance to your customers.

Just contact our team of specialists to find the answer you are looking for.

Servizio clienti h24

Integrated with all your services

Thanks to the public APIs for developers, Tilby can easily interoperate with industry-leading software such as PMS and marketing automation services to help you manage your business processes efficiently.

See the list of compatible services.


Tilby Analytics

Stay on top of your business activity with Tilby Analytics.

Analyse sales data and sold products, check the performance of your employees and find out which products your customers buy more.  All in one portal.


The cloud POS that meets everyone’s needs

Do you run a franchise or a small shop? Tilby is the cloud POS suitable for the needs of businesses of any size and category.

punto cassa scalabilt

Receipt and invoice

Tilby lets you issue receipts and invoices quickly and easily.
For Italy (and other European countries), Tilby sends the purchase information to the revenue agency, also for the purposes of the Italian receipt lottery.
For countries without taxation, you can use the template of your choice.

Want to try Tilby for free?

Request a demo version now and find out how it can help your business.

Request a free trial

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